Get Involved
Burghley Road needs you! Be a part of your local community.
Make friends. Give back. Gain invaluable experience.
Be a Volunteer
Volunteering can be a rewarding experience. Volunteers are what keeps us going! All our volunteers learn new skills, boost their CVs, and make a lasting impact on the centre and its users. We have a flexible schedule with three key positions to fill each day: we need one person to open the centre (around 10:30), one to cook (lunch is served at 12:00) and one person to close the centre (depending on a day, but usually around 13:30).
Training is offered for all roles. You choose your day and role to work and the best part is, you can bring your children with you! On the days you volunteer, we give you free entrance and lunch for both you and your child(ren).
For more information:
Please drop in the centre and speak to one of our day volunteers who take your contact details
Or speak to one of our volunteer's manager for more information
Or email us at burghleyrd@outlook.com
Donate Funds or Supplies
As a charity play space entirely run by volunteers, we are reliant on donations and the support of the local community. As part of bigger plans there are some simple things we urgently need to improve the space.
Ways to donate
You can make a donation through Everyclick using the following link: www.everyclick.com/burghleyroadplayspace
If you would like to make a donation by cheque, please make it payable to Burghley Road Under 5s Community Centre and send it to Burghley Road Under 5s Community Centre, 23 1/2 Burghley Road, London N8 0QG. You can accompany your cheque with a Gift Aid Declaration form so that the charity can claim an additional 20% from HMRC at no extra cost to you. You can also donate while at the centre using our card reader.
Donating toys and goods
We have a lot of toys already but there are some specific things we do need:
toy pushchairs
baby boy and girl dolls, preferably with clothes
dressing up clothes for dolls and children
toy shopping basket with handles and shopping trolley
outdoor climbing frame
outdoor slide
toy garages
farm sets and farmhouse
kitchen play food/pots/pans/cups etc.
hard wearing toy kitchen
soft play mat/play gym for babies
babysit me up ring/playlist
ride-on vehicles
As a public space, we can only accept donations that are clean and in good working order, with no missing or broken parts. Please email Hikaru (trustee at Burghley Road) on burghleyrd@outlook.com if you have anything on our list to donate.
Thank you for your support!
Offer your skills and expertise or become a Committee Member
At Burghley Road, we are a success because of our team of generous and committed volunteers. We rely on the community members to contribute and we are always looking for new people. Are you handy with tools? Skilled in graphic or web design? Fundraising or PR? Love gardening or cooking? Work in accounting or business development? Grant writing or charity management? Or maybe you just want to make a difference with your free time. We welcome any lending hand, even if it's simply sparing an afternoon to help us clean up and make the centre better. Get in touch if you want to help or have your say in the future of Play Space at Burghley Road and become a Committee Member today. Simply come along to our next meeting and cast your vote.